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Easy DIY Curl & Wave Styling Product- and how to style


I love to wear my hair in its true natural state, but sometimes it needs help to stop the fluff!

Currently im a walking hormonal mess at the moment (thanks 40’s) and going more natural with my products will only do me good.

So here is how I make my styling products that are NOT endocrine disrupters!

Ingredients you will need

75g organic whole linseeds (brown or gold, both work)

400mls cold water

Essential Oil Optional


Small or medium sized saucepan


Wooden spoon for stirring the mixture

Wire Mesh strainer

Glass jar with air tight lid


1. In a saucepan add 400mls of cold water and place on a stove.

2. Next, add 75g of organic linseed to the pan.

3. Give it a stir and bring to the boil continuing to monitor the linseed. Once they have boiled turn your mixture to a simmer and stir every 2 minutes or

so for about 5 minutes or until the consistency thickens. You will see your linseed starting to congeal in the pan and begin to froth. It’s important to

keep stirring at this point to stop the linseed sticking to the bottom of the pan.

4. Once you have a gel like consistency or after 5 minutes take the pan off the stove. As this mixture cools it will start to thicken more.

5. Use a tight mesh culinary strainer and pour the linseed into your strainer and let it strain through separating the gel from the seeds.

6. Pour your linseed gel into an airtight jar and label with the date and time that you made it. If you want to add essential oil this is the time to do it

(10-15 drops works well with this recipe) this will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days. If you feel your gel consistency is too thick for your hair, simply add 5mls of hot water at a time and stir through until you achieve your desired consistency.

How I style

Once my gel is made I wash and condition my hair using my Non- Toxic Powder Shampoo and Conditioner (recipe coming soon)

I brush my hair through with a Wet Brush so it’s gentle on my wet hair. This removes knots easily

Then I add in the gel. Work the gel through with my hands and scrunch!

I scrunch the gel in hard (white knuckle hard) until it makes a squelching noise.

I always blow my fringes (or bangs if your American) and wing them out on the sides.

I let the rest air dry remembering to lightly scrunch it every 10 mins.

Finish this all off with a texture paste (recipe coming soon)

Watch the full video below

I love this product, works a treat every time BUT I hate making it every time i want to wash and style my hair so if your like me- a lazy cow

Get an ice cube tray and freeze the gel, pop out and defrost as and when needed

Happy Making

Lou x



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