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Summer Solstice Shampoo


Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Summer Solstice when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator, making it the longest day of the year.

Although I’m more of an Autumn/Winter kinda gal Summer Solstice is one of my favourite calendar celebrations.

As promised here is my recipe ‘ The Rising Sun’ to celebrate the solstice with you.

This recipe chooses plants that a directly linked to the month of June and my own personal rituals

'The Rising Sun'

You will need

2 x tbl spoons of Wilderness Original Blend Shampoo

1 x can of coconut milk

1 x table spoon of Hibiscus Flower

1 x Table Spoon of Dried Calendula (marrigolds)

1 x Table spoon of Dried Rose Petals

Small saucepan

Wooden Spoon



In a small sauce pan add 1 full can of coconut milk

Place in all herbs and plants

Keep stirring the milk making sure all the plants matter is saturated in milk

Bring to a gentle simmer for 3-5 minutes

Strain into a jug removing all the herbs and plants.

Gently place in 2 tablespoons of Wilderness Orginal Blend Shampoo and stair with a whisk gently so to not make the powder shampoo foam.

Check the temperature of the shampoo on your wrist

Once the shampoo has cooled to an appropriate temperature pour this beautiful silky shampoo over your head and full body and massage in well.

Shampoo the hair and rinse well



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